沒想到,最近開始用Python,發覺也有類似的問題,後來在stackoverflow上,找到了問題的所在,總歸是Windows的問題,但幸好回答問題的人有附上他對windows terminal的hack,用了這個解法之後,可以讓Python在Windows下正確無誤顯示utf8字元。
It seems like all answers so far are from Unix people who assume the Windows console is like a Unix terminal, which it is not.
The problem is that you can’t write Unicode output to the Windows console using the normal underlying file I/O functions. The Windows API WriteConsole needs to be used. Python should probably be doing this transparently, but it isn’t.
There’s a different problem if you redirect the output to a file: Windows text files are historically in the ANSI codepage, not Unicode. You can fairly safely write UTF-8 to text files in Windows these days, but Python doesn’t do that by default.
I think it should do these things, but here’s some code to make it happen. You don’t have to worry about the details if you don’t want to; just call ConsoleFile.wrap_standard_handles(). You do need PyWin installed to get access to the necessary APIs.
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要注意的是,使用這個hack之前,必須先裝pywin32,在此篇文章撰寫時,最新版本是Build 217,請依照你的windows版本以及Python版本下載合適的檔案,我第一次安裝到一半卡住,最後才發現原來我以前在裝Python的時候,不小心在64位元的win7上裝了32位元版的Python
另,這段hack的開頭的import os, sys, io, win32api, win32console, pywintypes
if sys.platform == "win32":
import os, sys, io, win32api, win32console, pywintypes
if sys.platform == "win32":
以上,Enjoy your Python programming :)